Saturday 4/25/15 Leslie Baker Songs and Stories 4:30 pm 1 set with trio

Saturday, April 25 at 4:30 pm, my trio presented a 45 minute show at the Silverlake Branch Library, 2411 Glendale Blvd., L.A. 90039

this could be the start of something big
this could be the start of something big

The Silverlake Branch Library is built on the corner of Glendale Blvd. and Silverlake Blvd. It used to be a gas station where I got smog checked.  Now a beautiful library has baby grand piano that has been donated.  How inspiring for making music in my neighborhood. This will be a purely acoustic show and the start of something new.

Much thanks to Yumiko on piano and Tsugumi on drums who helped this happen in a wonderful way.

The audience included VIP’s Helen Auerbach, LaQuetta Shamblee,  Adrianne Hall, Rich and Alyce Cantu.


Guitar of Thrones Bass Queen
Guitar of Thrones Bass Queen

Movin’ Along

So good to know my pal from way back Lenny Bent has got his own Bar B Q place up and running! That long ago band I played in, Queen Voodoo, was on Lenny’s TV show “Cookin’ With Lenny“. The link goes to his great new restaurant.  Way back then it was a live TV show on channel 5. I wonder if we’ll find some footage……mmmmm in the meantime, bring on the ribs!

Lenny Bent