36th Annual Lotus Festival

“Lotus flowers often appear in images of the Buddha. It is a symbol of things which are pure and good. A lotus is a flower that begins its life in the mud at the bottom of a pond and then rises to the surface to flower.  It therefore reminds people that in the same way, people can rise above their problems and achieve enlightenment.”

up from the mud the flower blooms

Purity and rebirth are attributes I came across referring to what the Lotus Flower represents.  It was a true pleasure to participate this year in a well established festival with a purpose to promote understanding. Special thanks to all who made special effort to make our band set go well and get some documentation of it. You know who you are.

bakerbass #36thlotus #lotusfestivalla
Beautiful Day in the neighborhood of Echo Park CA.
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The OK Corralers takin’ it to the streets!
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Yeah, I’m a Leo.
bakerbass #36thlotus #lotusfestivalla
Tadg Galleran is an entertainer, player, singer, writer.
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I love playing bass, singing is fun. Gotta make that music!
bakerbass #36thlotus #lotusfestivalla
as I was saying,

Introducing Drummer Vocalist Tony Jones

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What a Wonderful World
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Testifying! Tony Jones, Leslie Baker, Tadj Galleran
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Tyler Combs brings us good vibes
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fun show, fun audience, fun time
up from the mud the flower blooms


LAJS Jazz in Schools Program 2016

With the new year comes another chance to give grammar school concerts all over L.A. that teach about Jazz.  I am very happy to once again participate in this program with bandleader Dr. Bobby Rodriguez and his very talented band.  If you would like to observe a concert, contact me at bakerbass@mac.com to arrange for a guest pass.

We continue to bring Jazz music and history to young ones
We continue to bring Jazz music and history to young ones. Thanks to our sponsors, LAJS, Herb Alpert Foundation, MPTF. Photo Joe Weinroth
Photo Greg Lloyd
backstage, photo Greg LLoyd
Photo Greg Lloyd
Leslie Baker Bass
Recognition from the City of Angels for our work in schools. Photo Joe Weinroth
lajs 2016
Photo Greg Lloyd
Leslie Baker Bass
Maria Martinez, Darrick Edmondson, Bobby Rodriguez, Leslie, Oscar Hernandez. Photo: Greg Lloyd
Mark XX, Maria Martinez, Bobby Rodriguez, Leslie, Oscar Hernandez. Photo: Greg Lloyd
Mark Miller, Maria Martinez, Bobby Rodriguez, Leslie, Oscar Hernandez. Photo: Greg Lloyd
Bobby Rodriguez, Maria Martinez, Leslie. Photo: Greg Lloyd
Bobby Rodriguez, Maria Martinez, Leslie. Photo: Greg Lloyd

Saturday 4/25/15 Leslie Baker Songs and Stories 4:30 pm 1 set with trio

Saturday, April 25 at 4:30 pm, my trio presented a 45 minute show at the Silverlake Branch Library, 2411 Glendale Blvd., L.A. 90039

this could be the start of something big
this could be the start of something big

The Silverlake Branch Library is built on the corner of Glendale Blvd. and Silverlake Blvd. It used to be a gas station where I got smog checked.  Now a beautiful library has baby grand piano that has been donated.  How inspiring for making music in my neighborhood. This will be a purely acoustic show and the start of something new.

Much thanks to Yumiko on piano and Tsugumi on drums who helped this happen in a wonderful way.

The audience included VIP’s Helen Auerbach, LaQuetta Shamblee,  Adrianne Hall, Rich and Alyce Cantu.


Guitar of Thrones Bass Queen
Guitar of Thrones Bass Queen